Authoritative Knock Down Power!
Maned Wolves, Wolverines, African Wild Dogs, Coyotes & Pronghorns
Discover How to Find the Magic Pellet for your new Varmint Control / Hunting Air Rifle!
If you have a problem with varmints the size of a the size of Coyotes, Maned Wolves, Wolverines, African Wild Dogs, Pronghorns and Gray Wolves, an air rifle with 101 to 145 foot pounds of energy will drop them like a bad habit. At a distance of 10 yards, the pellet will go clear through a Douglas fir 2 x 12 and leave a good size exit hole. These air rifles are most accurate with a round nose pellet ranging in weight from 50 grains to 100 grains. Pointed pellets should be avoided because they are known to be a cause of a jammed magazine (except Sumatras). The “magic” pellet is found by balancing the weight of the pellet to the air pressure that the gun puts out; each air rifle has its own personality.
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